What to know before buying baby stroller

Strollers are one of the most essential pieces of baby gear you’ll purchase. Since you’ll be using it frequently, make sure you find the best model for you and your family. In order to do that you need to understand what to Know Before Buying a Baby Stroller.

Before shopping for a stroller, take into account your lifestyle and budget. Make sure the model meets both your requirements as well as growing with your baby.

If your family is active, a lightweight umbrella stroller might be more convenient for quick trips and travel. But make sure it’s durable enough to last years of use and can easily snap on a car seat or bassinet as your child grows.

1. Weight

When purchasing a baby stroller, it’s wise to invest in quality. Look for one with a strong frame, excellent suspension and dual-wheel brakes. Many models also come with an umbrella, footrest, storage basket or weather boot as well as multi-position padded seats that fully recline.

One of the primary concerns for many parents is weight. You don’t want to drag a heavy stroller around town or up subway stairs with you, so consider your options based on lifestyle, how often you’ll use it and if there’s someone else in your household. Additionally, getting the stroller that offers the most features at an affordable price point may allow you to spend more quality time with your child while making daily commutes simpler. With the perfect stroller in hand, enjoying life with your child becomes simpler and makes going round town easier as well.

2. Size of the wheels

When selecting a baby stroller, the size is important to take into account both personal preference and your lifestyle. Look for models that fold quickly and offer ample storage space.

As your baby gets older and spends more time outside in the sun, a stroller with an expansive canopy is invaluable. Additionally, make sure it has a five-point harness so your energetic explorer stays secure and contented.

Your stroller’s front and rear wheels should be large enough to roll smoothly over any terrain, including snow. Larger wheels also help your stroller glide more easily in cold temperatures.

3. Storage

A stroller can take up a lot of room, so be sure that you have enough room for it. This includes your living room, basement or even a shed if you have an outdoor space.

Depending on your budget, you may also consider investing in a storage solution. Popular choices typically include overhead storage or shelves that are easily accessible when needed.

Storing a stroller properly requires finding an area that provides safety and security. Avoid placing it near windows or other exposed elements like rain-prone spots; this will protect the stroller from damage and mold growth.

4. Suitable Wheels

If you need a stroller that can handle rough terrain like dirt or gravel, make sure the wheels are suitable. These can range from fixed air-filled rubber tyres to soft foam wheels.

What type of wheel you select depends on your intended use and activity level. If you plan to do a lot of jogging or running with it, an air-filled rubber tyre will provide maximum comfort and grip.

EVA tires are another lightweight option that offers excellent flexibility and is ideal for smooth surfaces. Unfortunately, they do not perform well on uneven or bumpy roads.

5. Safety

When purchasing a stroller, it’s essential to make sure it has all of the safety features required. This includes an effective locking system, brakes that lock two wheels together and an elastic wrist strap.

Any baby product can have potential hazards, but strollers need extra caution as small fingers and toes could get trapped between protrusions or sharp edges.

Stable baby strollers feature wide wheels and a low seat to prevent tipping. To test its stability, gently press down on the handle.


Adjustability is an essential feature in any stroller, as it helps you find the ideal seating position for your baby. If not adjusted correctly, it could cause discomfort and even pain during use.

To properly adjust the seat on your baby stroller, locate the adjustment knob or lever located near the top of the seat. Loosen or tighten this knob/lever according to desired recline angle.

Most baby strollers come equipped with features like a canopy, footrest, front tray, storage basket, weather boot and good suspension. Many also feature telescoping handlebars that can be adjusted according to your height – making it easier for parents of either height or short stature to maneuver around the stroller easily. These extras help keep your little one comfortable and contented while on walks; plus you can quickly switch them from rear-facing to forward-facing as they grow older and gain more independence.